Your ewaste donation will qualify for a tax deduction
When you give us your computer, you are eligible to receive a tax write-off and we will attempt to fix your equipment to give away to someone who is unable to afford to buy a computer. If we are unable to refurbish your equipment, we will make sure to recycle it in an environmentally-friendly manner by using a California State Certified e-waste refinery.
California’s Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 pays us for monitor and TV recycling at no charge if they are from California. Out-of-State CRTs do not qualify for free electronics recycling. Note: We charge $.50 per pound for unqualified CRTs, monitors & TVs (CRTs) from outside of California or with inadequate or missing source information, which is the name & address of the users of the CRTs. Don’t fret! Your CRT most likely qualifies, unless you snuck it across the state border, or you went around collecting a bunch of random TVs and monitors lying around the street without getting the name and address of the owner. So, don’t go around picking-up random CRTs from the street, and we won’t have to charge you for them. Instead, we encourage you to notify the local authority about abandoned monitors and TVs so they can be properly disposed.
Out‑of‑state CRTs:
Non-California or “No Source Info” CRT Monitors/TVs from out-of-state or with missing or inadequate source info (name and address of the user). $ .50/lb to recycle. Although it costs us a little more, our electronics are NOT exported for treatment in countries with low environmental standards. Instead we send all our unrefurbished electronics to a Seri certified recycler in California, which processes scrap electronics by shredding and separating the components, ferrous metals (steel), copper and precious metals, aluminum, and plastic. The steel and aluminum are recycled as metals, the plastic is recycled as plastic, and the copper and precious metals are sampled, prepared, and packaged for shipment to a primary copper smelter.
Other services we offer:
FREE drive wipes for 2013 and newer Macbook Pro/Air
Data Destruction (Hard Drive Wipe)
$10.00 per drive
Truck Pick-up Service (Bay Area)
$250.00 (rates are negotiable)
Van Pick-up Service (Bay Area)
$175.00 (rates are negotiable)
The City of Berkeley
FREE pickup service
The City of Novato $100 (discounted rate)
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We will be closed on Monday May 26th in observance of Memorial Day
Anyone donating a 2013 or newer Macbook Pro or Air is eligible for a FREE drive wipe!